tourney hero

tourney hero Preview

About The App

Tourney Hero is an all-purpose Electron-based app to assist in the management and organization of Super Smash Bros. Melee tournaments. This tool enables tournament organizers to easily manage and customize stream overlays and graphics, manage tournament matches, and perform automated tasks.

The primary tech stack of the user client comprises of React, Electron, Node.js, and TypeScript. Additional technologies used include Redux,, and the Fluent UI Design System.

This app has been used for the production of the tournament series Full House and various online tournaments.

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Main Features API
  • Supports linking tournaments through their GraphQL API to gain access to many quality of life features, including match selection and player selection.
  • Call, report, and view matches entirely within the app interface.
Stream Overlay Controls
  • The primary use of this app is to provide controls for a custom frontend stream overlay for the tournament.
  • Easily update to relevant match information by selecting matches.
Slippi Automation and Statistics
  • This app makes use of the slippi-js Project Slippi SDK to help compute stats and read live game data from replay files generated by live games.
  • Using the slp-realtime library, tasks such as updating character and port information, switching scenes, and updating game scores can be completely automated.
Local Data
  • Save local player and commentator data to easily update character, team, and other stream interface data without having to manually set it for common players.
OBS Websocket
  • Enables connecting to an OBS Studio client through OBS Websocket.
  • Control and switch active scenes, and enable autoswitching through the stream management interface.

Planned Features

Stream Widgets
  • Fully customizable and modular widgets for use in stream overlay, including in-game event alerts, marquees, slides, and more.
Game/Combo Highlights
  • Automatically detect and queue game and combo highlights.
Twitch Predictions
  • Connect with Twitch to provide on-stream Twitch prediction stream elements to increase view interaction.

App Preview

Desktop App

Automation Preview
Gameplay Scene Automation UI
Automation Warning Preview
Gameplay Scene Automation UI Warning
Match Dashboard Preview Match Dashboard